Kathy De Garis will lead us in a relaxed session of SINGING IN THE ROUND using UKULELE CLUB Song Book 1.
Choose any song you'd like to lead or involve others to join you or lead it on your behalf.
When you get to the RSL write your first choice of song up on the whiteboard. Once we get to the half time break and if there are still spots available, write up your second song choice. We don't want any eager member to miss out on their opportunity to choose a song and then lead it.
It can add to the fun of the session if members have practised their song and it will give you the confidence to lead it. We are a non judgemental and encouraging group and love it when our newer members get up and have a go. Please don't be bashful and wait to be asked.
Enjoy the fun of the free choice - unplugged session!